All these people keep gettin' blogs, makin' me feel left out or something. I'm joining the bandwagon, don't normally do that but this is an exception. So obviously, instead of studying for a huge Chemistry final I decided to make my a blog. Just so all of you can stalk me and know what's going on in my life.
So here ya go folks... This is me.

Props to Holly HenRICK for the hair do- she's good.
Firstly, I'm Corinne and if you don't know me and you're reading this- Happy Stalking. I go to BYU- YAY Mormon Town! Don't get me wrong, I love my fellow Morms but it is about time I go to Texas. I'm about to be done with my freshman year- 2 finals left 'til freedom. I've had a blast, really I have met the coolest chicks ever and I love them to death, I just can't wait to get outta here.
Secondly, Ms. Holly Henrich left today. Yes, I cried. Yes, I will freaking miss her so much. Yes, I'm a baby. She's cool. I met her at EFY- fate obviously brought us together, and we managed to stay pretty close. And then I invited her to be one of Britt and I's suite-mates: Best choice EVER made. She's weird, she had Britt draw her a fake sleeve, she would stay up with me all night to study for psych last semester, she took me to a secret coffee shop, we have scaringly the same taste in music, we wear the same shoe size and I'd even venture to say that she's my best friend... But now she's probably getting cocky, so I'll stop the Holly rant... I miss her though. Guaranteed the best picture I have of this girl-

Thirdly, another person I will miss is my blood sister. Her name is Cierra and well she's the best blood sister any one could have. We have swag... maybe.
Can't forget that Ms. Rebecca Barton- my fellow little monster- will be incredibly missed. We had some good times, her and I. Just concert-going, noodle-loving fools. I like her, and what she's good at.
Oh and then there's this chick named Brittany... She's my room-mate. I won't miss her... HAH that's because she'll be 5 mins away from me all summer and we've already planned lots of room-mate adventures. She's been good to me all year, I haveta say- not a bad choice ;)(Disclaimer: There's a million and one other people I will miss but this post is getting way too long.)
Fourthly, I haven't even packed my room yet and I have a lot of stuff. I believe this will prove to be a problem in the near future, I can just feel it.
Fifthly, I don't sleep anymore. I have issues.
Sixthly, I can't wait to get home to my babies.. Calm your soul, I do not literally have children. Molly, Emily and Taylor were my babies during One Act last year (which by the way I miss exceedingly) so yeah, I just need to see them real bad.
There's a bunch of people that I need back in my life so so bad- they know who they are because I am constantly updating them on how many days we have left. I can be annoying when I'm over 1000 miles away.
Also- the number thing is getting old- Jare-bear comes to visit tomorrow, conveniently right when I'm leaving to go back home but still can't wait to see him. He was here with me last semester, but ditched me this semester so naturally I've been having withdrawls.
Guess I should include a picture.. Us. (Plus Alec)
I should probably study... Debatable if I will but it's the thought that counts, am I right?
So long for now little blog. Much loves.