Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hi. I'm alive. Stop freaking out.

So umm... I don't really have an excuse as to why I haven't been on here in so long besides the fact that I've written partial posts and forgotten to finish them. Yeah, I know. You were all worried I disappeared or something, but never fear... I'M BACK!

Quick run down on life:
1.I'm back in Provo.... What the heck am I doing back in Provo?
2. I spent the last week of the summer in California with my best friend and her family and Jake and Rancho and well, greatest ending to a summer ever. Also, thanks to Jake: I FREAKING SURFED. I'M A PRO. THAT'S WHAT'S UP....anyways...
3.My brother got married to the most gorgeous girl exactly one month ago and they're living happily ever after. :)
Part of the fam.
P.S. Their wedding was beyond perfection.
4. I miss the kiddos I nannied this summer. That was much easier than school.
5. I've taken up the art of making crafts. Flowers made from streamers, decorated mason jars, this really cool frame, collage drawers for my desk. I'll make a blog post with pictures soon.. But here's my bestest flower. and me. 
Don't judge me.
6. I've also become a genius chef with my blood sister Cierra. Seriously we rule. Just saying. We're making a food blog so stay tuned. >:)
7. I'm in love with Coldplay's songs from their new album. Listen.
8. I went on a road trip with some of the koolest gurlz ever. We had lots of fun. Proof: He took a leaf blower to our hair. #bestdessertexperienceever

9. I've decided to get back into musical theatre so I'm taking voice lessons, auditioning for a local theatre and getting at it. I'm excited. < Understatement.
10. I miss my friends from back home, but the new ones I'm making are really cool so it's sort of okay :)

Tumblr findings.

Best advice I ever did hear
Gimme this house. Please?

Ok I'm done. See you next time. :)

Much loves <33

1 comment:

  1. I would date those girls that went to Austin with you. ;)
